Risk Management Certification
Per MSYSA, our governing body, every Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager, Trainer, (League) Board Member and Volunteer must certify for Risk Management, SAFESPORT and CDC Heads-Up training. This is to ensure the safety of all our players. Kids look up to and admire their coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, and managers and it is vitally important to us and parents that precautions are made in order to keep a safe and fun environment.
Once you have been approved to coach by the Director of Recreation, MSC must create an account for you in the www.gotsoccer.com program. The information needed for MSC to create an account are:
- e-mail address
- Full Legal Name
After the account is set up you will receive a confirmaiton email that will require you to complete the registration process. Risk Management Must Be Completed on a Yearly Basis. Once in your account, you will need to fill out the information for risk management/background check. At the recreational coaches meeting at the start of each season, you will be given more information regarding this process.
While in your account, you must go through the concussion prototcol as well. This is free! At the end, please print out your concussion certificate.