Midland Soccer Club Adult Programs
The Midland Soccer Club is proud to offer the most options for adult soccer anywhere in the Mid- Michigan area!
Midland Soccer Club Adult Programs
Registration and start up information for Adult Leagues: All players and teams should complete registration and payment for the adult leagues per the Adult League Homepage on the website.
Spring Leagues (runs May-August)- Games start week of May 13
Men's Open (11v11): The men's open league is a competitive league for players 19 years of age and older.
- Games are played on Wednesday's and start at 7pm each night.
- Fee- set annually plus a $25 MSA fee (paid once a seasonal year- Fall/Spring)
- 7:00pm start
Men's over 30 (11v11): The men's over 30 is for players aged 30 and older who still want to compete at a higher level and/or keep fit while playing the beautiful game.
- Games are played on Monday's and start at 7pm each night.
- Fee- set annually plus a $25 MSA fee (paid once a seasonal year- Fall/Spring)
- 7:00pm Start
Comp Coed (8v8): The competitive coed league is for players who want to play in a less intense competitive atmosphere. Play for a championship in a fun league that accommodates players of all levels.
- Games are played on Tuesday's and start at 7pm each night.
- Fee- set annually plus a $25 MSA fee (paid once a seasonal year- Fall/Spring)
- 7:00pm Start
Drop in Coed (variable numbers): This is not a league. It is intended for those who would like to knock a ball around in a "pick-up game" fashion.
- Games are played on Thursday's and start at 6:30pm each night. Players should bring a light and dark shirt/jersey in order to form teams for the day.
- Fee- set annually plus a $25 MSA fee (paid once a seasonal year- Fall/Spring)
- 7:00pm start
A late registration fee of $25 will apply for those registering after the regular player registration dates for that season.
IMPORTANT: Individual player registration fee (MSA Player Registration Fee) is paid annually so this fee will need to be included once per calendar year. The first season that a player participates in a calendar year will need to include the MSA Player Registration Fee. Subsequent seasons in that calendar year will be exempt from that fee. Penalties will incur if failure to comply with the MSA regulations.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact any member of the Adult Program Committee below:
Karen Griffin – Adult Programs Director (kag14soccer@aol.com)
Karen Griffin – Co-ed Coordinator (kag14soccer@aol.com)
Kyle Jean – Men’s Open Coordinator (kjean26@aol.com)
All players and teams should complete registration and payment for the adult leagues per the timing regarding the seasons via our Online Registration System.