Parents Responsibilities and Procedures

Parent Responsibilities
and Procedures
Before going to your first practice
You have a ball, shin gaurds and water-
size 3 ball for u4-7
Size 4 ball for u8-12
Size 5 ball for u13-19
Practices and games-
Before taking your child to a practice or game
- If the your child has a temperture reading is 100.4 or higher keep your child home
- If your child has a headache, stomachache, sore throat feve, etc.. keep your child home
Game Day Procedures
If you choose to come watch the game, you should stay on the same side as your team.
Benches may or may not be provided to the teams so a blanket or chair for your child to sit on/in while they are not in the game is recommended.
- Please stay away from the teams bench- ONLY COACHES MAY BE PRESENT